MarbleClash Leagues are here!

Faster than you thought! With full power, MarbleClash will be extended by leagues.

I will collect some ideas with some players and the MarbleCards / team on which leagues we offer and what makes sense in the coming weeks. Until all, I have set up two leagues to start with. In principle, you can now switch back and forth between the two leagues as you wish.

league 960

How does it work?

At you can find all leagues which are active at the moment. Choose one, and with the green button you open the MarbleClash hall and you can play games in this league.

What is the next step?

The leagues are now the first step to quickly offer events and other things. But to make this work without problems, I want to use the next week for testing.

You as a player are needed here. Send me every bug you find.
So that you get something out of it, I will distribute some rewards over the week.

Among other things, the MarbleCards team has planned a summer tour. For this reason, I worked a little "overtime" and instead of the planned 3 to 4 weeks, the leagues were implemented in two weeks. So it can be that there are some errors. Just report errors in Discord. 

MarbleLex expanded

Before I give an outlook for the coming months of MarbleClash, here is something for the statistic fans. The MarbleLex on has been extended by another filter.

It is now possible to filter by the number of remarbles. For example, up to now, 104.000 cards have not been changed!

remarble-filter 960

MarbleClash 2021

With the first big milestone done with the leagues, I've been thinking about the next steps moving forward.

Now that the Summer Tour is coming up, I'm concentrating on the Spectator mode. 
There are some improvements to be made, for example, the round results will be available for a longer time and you will be able to follow everything.

Nevertheless, I would like to give a small outlook for after the Summer Tour. On my list are things like:

  • New interface
    • Card effects
    • Better table design
    • Mobile and desktop capable
  • Demo Decks (To introduce non-blockchain users to the topic)
  • Daily Tasks
    • Complete daily tasks and receive rewards
  • Support for streamers who stream MarbleClash

You see, 2021 is packed with goals. If you're a streamer and want to get involved with MarbleClash / MarbleCards and you're good at talking, get in touch with us on Discord.

Until then, have a great Summer Tour. I hope you will be there.


Further News:
  1. 8/24/21 – 19:35: MarbleClash Summer Tour Finals
  2. 8/20/21 – 14:39: Summer breaks review
  3. 6/26/21 – 13:00: MarbleClash Leagues
  4. 6/3/21 – 10:47: goes online
  5. 5/31/21 – 07:48: MarbleClash Season 2