Retrospect 2021

Yes the good 2021. I usually start a little earlier with my retrospect, because the last time of the year usually becomes stressful and many have even less time than before.

As we all know, basically the year can be described quite well with the following card:


But I would like to give a different retrospect. This year, as far as the topic of MarbleCards is concerned, a lot has changed for me. Therefore, I would like to summarize my highlights, which I was allowed to develop or experience this year. Often you forget what you have achieved in a year and a retrospect like this helps very well.

It started last December, when I had the idea for, a browser card game based on MarbleCards.


In January / February I put the first usable version of MarbleClash online. So MarbleClash was the first browser game based on MarbleCards. 




Quickly the first tournament was played, I also developed new modies, like the league system and of course the live match watching system. MarbleClash is now part of the MarbleCards repertoire, which makes me really happy.

A new GUI concept is already in the pipeline for 2022, which will take the whole game to the next level.


This topic is actually what moves me the most. At the beginning of the year, the MarbleCards team approached me to offer their help. I honestly don't even know what to say, except: THANK YOU!

Johan, Mattias and the MarbleCards team. Thank you!

This help means extremely much to me. I like to develop tools, especially for communities that are friendly, helpful and nice. All the nicer when you get additional support. But with MarbleCards it is one order of magnitude more. Not only the team but also the community is one of the nicest crypto communities I've met. 

Thanks folks! Not only that I get here and there from community members a small Obolus for my tools and ideas, if a community member is in need, he is helped immediately. 

All that remains is to say: Best community ever!

Degen Score

What is the Degen Score doing in the review on MarbleCardsInfo? Basically it was the idea of the MarbleCards team, which asked me if I could implement something like that. Many teams wanted horrendous amount or declared this as not feasible in short time. Additionally, current checks did not support the Polygon Blockchain.




I saw the whole thing as a challenge and implemented it with a teammate in a few weeks.

In the meantime it is even possible to mint your own score and verify it as a MarbleCard.


I think with MarbleCardsInfo I created the place to go for MarbleCards. Beside FAQs you can find a lot of statistics and information about cards. The whole year MarbleCardsInfo was extended and improved.




I developed many many tools like the Deck Calculator, Deckmaster or the Collect the Set. MarbleCardsInfo alone would need an own blog entry to summarize all this.

Rarity Score

Not to forget the Rarity Score Tool. In cooperation with the community we have created a rating system which makes it easier for beginners to rate their own cards.

A lot more

There was a lot more stuff. Twitter account with info and stuff, database access for developers, ratings for every single card, the browser plugins (which need some love, I know), Discord / Telegram bot (which is off again), help with the poaps (thanks to omahs!) oh and so much more.

I think MarbleCards might do its own review, because there was really a lot of stuff that went online and got improved. 

So I'm really looking forward to 2022. I wish you all and your families peace, tranquility and health.
Dear MarbleCards community, stay as you are and let's rock 2022.


Further News:
  1. 12/1/21 – 16:21: 2021
  2. 10/21/21 – 07:01: Rarity Tool
  3. 9/23/21 – 14:16: Halloween Tournament 2021